Donald Trump


En caso de ganar las elecciones, Donald Trump buscaría que Elon Musk sea su asesor presidencial

El expresidente de Estados Unidos, quien busca regresar a la Casa Blanca, ha sostenido reuniones con Elon Musk.


Who Was Named? New Court Documents Were Just Unsealed in the Jeffrey Epstein Case.

The documents list individuals previously connected to the convicted sex offender but contain no alleged misconduct so far.

Business News

Josh Kushner Is Now the Richest Kushner With a Net Worth that Trumps His Famous Extended Family

Josh Kushner is the founder of Thrive Capital, which is valued at $5.3 billion.

News and Trends

Former US President Donald Trump Launches First Official Trading Card NFT Collection

Users can see Trump in several avatars, such as an astronaut, a superhero, and a wild-west sheriff to name a few


La polémica app Parler será comprada por Kanye West

Parler, la app que adquirirá Kanye West, ganó relevancia cuando Donald Trump la usó como refugio, al ser bloqueado por Facebook, Instagram y Twitter.


Elon Musk dice que las puertas en Twitter estarán abiertas para Donald Trump

El empresario se refirió de nuevo a la libertad de expresión en la plataforma e hizo alusión directa al caso de Donald Trump.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

Elon Musk says the doors on Twitter are open for Donald Trump

The businessman referred again to freedom of expression on the platform and made a direct reference to Donald Trump.


Un funcionario del gobierno de Donald Trump asegura que el expresidente quería lanzar misiles contra México

Mark Esper, quien fuera secretario de Defensa, presenta este martes su libro con esta y otras confesiones.

Business News

A Donald Trump government official assures that the former president wanted to launch missiles against Mexico

Mark Esper, who was Secretary of Defense, presents his book on Tuesday with this and other confessions.


¡Está de regreso! Donald Trump sube su primer posteo a su nueva red social

Ya desarrolló su red social. Se llama Truth Social y el exmandatario ya la está utilizando.

Social Media

He's back! Donald Trump uploads his first post to his new social network

You have already developed your social network. It is called Truth Social and the former president is already using it.


Donald Trump no volverá a Twitter aunque la red social tenga nuevo dueño

El expresidente de Estados Unidos alguna vez fue uno de los usuarios más activos de Twitter. Ahora cuenta con TRUTH, su propia red social.

Social Media

Donald Trump will not return to Twitter even if the social network has a new owner

The former US president was once one of Twitter's most active users. Now he has TRUTH, his own social network.

Business News

Prince Harry Says He Warned Twitter CEO About the Possibility of a Coup the Day Before Capitol Riot

The Duke of Sussex called the rampant spread of misinformation 'terrifying.'

Business News

Import Surge Sends US Trade Deficit to Record High

In the year-to-date, the trade deficit increased by 46.4 percent to $135.8 billion compared to the same period in 2020.